A Text on Petro Chemicals /
Bhaskararao , B.K.
A Text on Petro Chemicals / Dr. B.K. Bhaskararao - Fourth edition - Delhi : Khanna Publisher , 2008 - 375 pages ; 24 cm
Includes index.
A Text On Petro Chemicals has vast potentialities in guidingengineers connected with the development of petrochemical industries. Itmethodically furnishes the conversion of petroleum feedstocks to chemical andintermediates. The successful finding of oil and gas and anticipated growth ofrefining capacity to 90 MMT by the end of this century, will provide potentialfeedstock to petrochemical industry. This book gives sound information tobeginners and professionals. The reality of growth of petrochemical industrydepends mainly on the economic utilisation of feedstocks available andinterchanging processes with the induction of new techniques. A commendableeffort has been made in this book to cover the vast subject in twelve concisechapters. Optical fibers, liquid crystals and a chapter on pollution and toxicity havealso been incorporated for the benefit of the readers
Petroleum chemicals industry
HD9579.C32 / B43 2008
A Text on Petro Chemicals / Dr. B.K. Bhaskararao - Fourth edition - Delhi : Khanna Publisher , 2008 - 375 pages ; 24 cm
Includes index.
A Text On Petro Chemicals has vast potentialities in guidingengineers connected with the development of petrochemical industries. Itmethodically furnishes the conversion of petroleum feedstocks to chemical andintermediates. The successful finding of oil and gas and anticipated growth ofrefining capacity to 90 MMT by the end of this century, will provide potentialfeedstock to petrochemical industry. This book gives sound information tobeginners and professionals. The reality of growth of petrochemical industrydepends mainly on the economic utilisation of feedstocks available andinterchanging processes with the induction of new techniques. A commendableeffort has been made in this book to cover the vast subject in twelve concisechapters. Optical fibers, liquid crystals and a chapter on pollution and toxicity havealso been incorporated for the benefit of the readers
Petroleum chemicals industry
HD9579.C32 / B43 2008