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Modeling of Open - Hole "Fiber - Reinforced Polymer Composites" Failure Under Tensile Loading : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Innovative Design Engineering : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering /

Ahmed , Abdalla Mohamed Abdalla ,

Modeling of Open - Hole "Fiber - Reinforced Polymer Composites" Failure Under Tensile Loading : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Innovative Design Engineering : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering / نمذجة انهيار عينات المواد المركبة المقواة بالألياف ذات الثقب النافذ تحت تأثیر حمل شد : رسالة علمية مقدمة إلى كلية الدرسات العليا في هندسة التصميم الإبتكاري : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا كإستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة الماجستير في العلوم في هندسة و علوم المواد / مقدمة من عبدالله محمد عبدالله احمد ; لجنة الإشراف ا د / أحمد عبدالمنعم عبدالحميد , د / محمد نصر احمد نصر ; لجنة المناقشة و الحكم على الرسالة ا د / أحمد عبدالمنعم عبدالحميد , أ . د / علاء الدين حمدي , ا د / احمد محمد أحمد العسال , د / محمد نصر احمد نصر
by Abdalla Mohamed Abdalla Ahmed ; Supervisory Committee Prof. Ahmed Abdel-Moneim , Dr. Mohamed Nasr Ahmed Nasr ; Examination Committee Prof. Ahmed Abdel-Moneim , Prof. Alaa El-Din Hamdy , Prof. Ahmed El-Assal , Dr. Mohamed Nasr Ahmed Nasr - Alexandria : Abdalla Mohamed Abdalla Ahmed 2014 - 71 leaves ; 30 cm

Includes a title page in Arabic

Thesis (M.Sc.)

Includes bibliographical references

Fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPCs) are increasingly being utilized in a wide variety of industrial sectors ; such as aerospace , automotive , biomedical , civil infrastructure , renewable energy and marine A detailed awareness of the mechanical properties of these composites is extremely important for their appropriate design and optimization Experimental determination of these properties like strength and modulus is restrictively extravagant , as there are unlimited significant factors that contribute to the increase in experimental cost including materials , tooling , processing , machining , testing and many others A standout amongst the most significant , however most challenging endeavors in composites design and analysis is modeling material and structural failure More importantly , understanding how and when a structure fails is crucial to determining how its design could be optimized , and whether it would meet its requirements In this thesis , progressive failure analysis was performed on open-hole (O-Hole) FRPCs under tensile loading The effect of existence of central hole , varying fabric orientation (0, 45, or 90°]), and utilizing different types of fabrics (unidirectional or woven) on the behavior of FRPCs (load , stiffness , and progressive failure) were investigated The commercial finite element platform ABAQUS/Standard V6.12 was used for the finite element simulations , and the commercial plug-in for ABAQUS , Autodesk Simulation Composite Analysis was employed This plug-in utilizes the concept of Multi-Continuum Theory (MCT) to efficiently model progressive failure by extracting the average constituent (fibers and matrix) stresses and strains from the corresponding composite ones and applying the appropriate physics to the constituent materials individually in order to predict composite structure failure response The woven model is validated according to a pre-published experimental work It was found that the numerical model is in good correlation with the experimental work

MSE MSc. 2014 / 02

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