Rectennas for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes and the Internet of Things Applications : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Electronics , Communications and Computer Engineering (ECCE) : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of (Doctor of Philosophy) in Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) /
Abdou , Rawaa Maher Mohamed ,
Rectennas for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes and the Internet of Things Applications : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Electronics , Communications and Computer Engineering (ECCE) : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of (Doctor of Philosophy) in Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) / هوانيات معدلة لتطبيقات المستشعرات اللاسلكية المستقلة و انترنت الأشياء : رسالة علمية مقدمة إلى المدرسة التخصصية للدراسات العليا - مدرسة الإلكترونيات و الإتصالات و الحاسب : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في هندسة الإلكترونيات و الإتصالات / إعداد رواء ماهر محمد عبده ; لجنة الاشراف على الرسالة أ . د . عادل بدير عبدالرحمن - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , د . أحمد سيد أحمد علام - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , أ . د . ها رويشي كنايا - قسم الإلكترونيات - جامعة كيوشو - اليابان ; لجنة المناقشة و الحكم على الرسالة أ . د . هادية محمد سعيد الحفناوي - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات - كلية الهندسة - جامعة عين شمس , أ.د. عصمت عبد الفتاح عبدالله - قسم الدوائر الشريطية - معهد بحوث الإلكترونيات - مصر , أ . د . عادل بدير عبدالرحمن - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , د. أحمد سيد أحمد علام - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر
by Rawaa Maher Mohamed Abdou ; Supervisor Committee Prof. Adel Bedair Abdel-Rahman - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Asoc. Prof. Ahmed Allam - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Prof. Haruichi Kanaya - Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering - Kyushu University - Japan ; Examination Committee Prof. Hadia Mohamed Sacid Elhennawy - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University - Egypt , Prof. Esmat Abd El-Fattah Abdallah - Microstrip Dep. - Electronics Research Institute - Egypt , Prof. Adel Bedair Abdel-Rahman - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Asoc. Prof. Ahmed Allam - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt
- Alexandria : Rawaa Maher Mohamed Abdou 2024 - 73 leaves ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Includes bibliographical references
Sensor nodes are used to monitor a wide variety of environmental properties (ie., tempera-ture , pressure , and humidity) Furthermore , they are an essential component in the development of smart cities Regularly replacing the battery is essential to maintain the node's performance For sensors located in remote or hazardous locations , this is deemed a critical concern Further more , due to the growing number of IoT devices , the replacement of billions of non-functional and dangerous batteries becomes expensive and environmentally undesirable An encouraging substitute for a sustainable Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) is the Radio Frequency (RF) energy obtained from the surrounding environment The energy obtained from harvesting RF energy can be stored in supercapacitors to directly supply power to the node or recharge the battery These wireless sensor networks would be capable of carrying out their sensing tasks and wireless communication autonomously , without the need for monitoring , configuration , or maintenance RF energy scavenging can be achieved by collecting ambient waves or by using a dedicated transmitter This dissertation focuses on the gathering of energy from ambient RF waves The sustained presence of cellular and Wi-Fi communication waves , unaffected by factors such as time , weather , location , and human movement , makes them a robust source for energy har-vesting This thesis presents the development and evaluation of antennas and rectifying circuits specifically designed for the purpose of capturing ambient RF energy Firstly , an integrated rectenna with a small size and high efficiency is introduced for oper-ation in the 2.45 GHz frequency spectrum An analysis is conducted to compare two rectifier topologies and determine the advantages of eliminating the matching network from the ree-tifier An impressive rectifier conversion efficiency of 74.1% has been attained A unique omni-directional antenna with a high gain of 3.72 dBi and a compact dimension of 25 mm x 29 mm is designed and built to finalize the rectenna system The same antenna is utilized in conjunction with a reflector to boost the gain to around 8.3 dBi
ECE PhD. 2024 / 02
Rectennas for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Nodes and the Internet of Things Applications : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Electronics , Communications and Computer Engineering (ECCE) : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of (Doctor of Philosophy) in Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) / هوانيات معدلة لتطبيقات المستشعرات اللاسلكية المستقلة و انترنت الأشياء : رسالة علمية مقدمة إلى المدرسة التخصصية للدراسات العليا - مدرسة الإلكترونيات و الإتصالات و الحاسب : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في هندسة الإلكترونيات و الإتصالات / إعداد رواء ماهر محمد عبده ; لجنة الاشراف على الرسالة أ . د . عادل بدير عبدالرحمن - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , د . أحمد سيد أحمد علام - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , أ . د . ها رويشي كنايا - قسم الإلكترونيات - جامعة كيوشو - اليابان ; لجنة المناقشة و الحكم على الرسالة أ . د . هادية محمد سعيد الحفناوي - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات - كلية الهندسة - جامعة عين شمس , أ.د. عصمت عبد الفتاح عبدالله - قسم الدوائر الشريطية - معهد بحوث الإلكترونيات - مصر , أ . د . عادل بدير عبدالرحمن - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر , د. أحمد سيد أحمد علام - قسم هندسة الإلكترونيات و الاتصالات بالجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا - مصر
by Rawaa Maher Mohamed Abdou ; Supervisor Committee Prof. Adel Bedair Abdel-Rahman - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Asoc. Prof. Ahmed Allam - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Prof. Haruichi Kanaya - Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering - Kyushu University - Japan ; Examination Committee Prof. Hadia Mohamed Sacid Elhennawy - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University - Egypt , Prof. Esmat Abd El-Fattah Abdallah - Microstrip Dep. - Electronics Research Institute - Egypt , Prof. Adel Bedair Abdel-Rahman - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt , Asoc. Prof. Ahmed Allam - Electronics and Communications Engineering Dep. - Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) - Egypt
- Alexandria : Rawaa Maher Mohamed Abdou 2024 - 73 leaves ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Includes bibliographical references
Sensor nodes are used to monitor a wide variety of environmental properties (ie., tempera-ture , pressure , and humidity) Furthermore , they are an essential component in the development of smart cities Regularly replacing the battery is essential to maintain the node's performance For sensors located in remote or hazardous locations , this is deemed a critical concern Further more , due to the growing number of IoT devices , the replacement of billions of non-functional and dangerous batteries becomes expensive and environmentally undesirable An encouraging substitute for a sustainable Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) is the Radio Frequency (RF) energy obtained from the surrounding environment The energy obtained from harvesting RF energy can be stored in supercapacitors to directly supply power to the node or recharge the battery These wireless sensor networks would be capable of carrying out their sensing tasks and wireless communication autonomously , without the need for monitoring , configuration , or maintenance RF energy scavenging can be achieved by collecting ambient waves or by using a dedicated transmitter This dissertation focuses on the gathering of energy from ambient RF waves The sustained presence of cellular and Wi-Fi communication waves , unaffected by factors such as time , weather , location , and human movement , makes them a robust source for energy har-vesting This thesis presents the development and evaluation of antennas and rectifying circuits specifically designed for the purpose of capturing ambient RF energy Firstly , an integrated rectenna with a small size and high efficiency is introduced for oper-ation in the 2.45 GHz frequency spectrum An analysis is conducted to compare two rectifier topologies and determine the advantages of eliminating the matching network from the ree-tifier An impressive rectifier conversion efficiency of 74.1% has been attained A unique omni-directional antenna with a high gain of 3.72 dBi and a compact dimension of 25 mm x 29 mm is designed and built to finalize the rectenna system The same antenna is utilized in conjunction with a reflector to boost the gain to around 8.3 dBi
ECE PhD. 2024 / 02