Hanna , Milad

The Seven Pillars Of The Egyptian Identity Egyptian Identity Milad Hanna - Cairo : General Egyptian Book Organization , [1994] - 199 Page ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references

The Egyptian identity has been influenced by both time and space Time means history, where four layers of civilizations have accumulated the Pharaonic, the Greco-Roman, the Coptic and the Isamic Perhaps Egypt is the only country in the world that has this accumulative civilizations, rich by diversity and pluralism By space Le geographical po sition, Egypt lies in the heart of the Arab world, overlooks the Mediter ranean and is an important part of Africa This gives Egypt three geo-
graphical pilars Those seven Pillars (historical and geographical) are document ed and summarised in this book. One can find them in every single Egyptian in one form or the other, but with varying degrees Islamic fundamentalists hang onto the Is lamic and Arab identity. Coptic fundamentalists, on the other hand, hang onto the Pharaonic and Christian identity. This makes Egypt culturally different from its neighbours in the Arab and Islamic worlds


National characteristics , Egyptian


DT70 / .H36 1994