Sayed , Shimaa Adly Abdelrahman
Novel Methods for Early Prediction of Lung Cancer Based on Image Processing Techniques and Genetic Mutations : A Thesis submitted to the Graduate School of Electronics , Communications and Computer Engineering : Egypt - Japan University of Science and Technology (E - JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Electronics and Communication Engineering /
طرق مبتكرة للتنبؤ المبكر لسرطان الرئة بناءً على تقنيات معالجة الصور و الطفرات الوراثية / مقدمة من شيماء عدلى عبدالرحمن سيد للحصول على درجة دكتوراه في الفلسفة في هندسة الإلكترونيات و الإتصالات
by Shimaa Adly Abdelrahman Sayed
- Alexandria : Shimaa Adly Abdelrahman Sayed 2020
- 93 leaves ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Includes bibliographical references