Design and Implementation of SOI Photonics Integrated Circuit Components : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Electronics , Communications and Computer Engineering : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Electronics and Communications Engineering /
تصميم و تنفيذ مكونات دوائر ضوئية متكاملة من السيليكون علي العازل : رسالة علمية مقدمة الي المدرسة التخصصية للدراسات العليا - هندسة الالكترونيات و الاتصالات و الحاسبات : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول علي درجة الماجستير العلوم في هندسة الالكترونيات و الاتصالات / اعداد اودوزي جيديوفر امبروز هنري
by Odoeze Jideofor Ambrose Henry ; Supervision Committee Prof. Mohammed Abo-Zahhad - E-JUST , Prof. Hossam Shalaby - E-JUST ; Examination Committee Prof. Moustafa Hussein Ali (External examiner) - AAST , Prof. Salah S.A Obayya (External examiner) - Center for Photonics and Smart Materials - Zewail City of Science and Technology , Prof. Mohammed Abo-Zahhad (Main supervisor) - E-JUST , Prof. Hossam Shalaby (Direct supervisor) - E-JUST
- Alexandria : Odoeze Jideofor Ambrose Henry 2018
- 57 leaves ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (M.Sc.)
Includes bibliographical references
This thesis covers the analysis , design and simulation of Silicon-on-Insulator Photonic Integrated Circuit components , covering two major aspects : multi- plexing and polarization handling Firstly , a flying-bird three mode-division demultiplexer (FBMDD) , that can demultiplex three modes , is discussed The demultiplexer is a modified rib waveguide , that consist of j-rib waveguide and three fan-out waveguides The fan-out waveguides are three single-mode strip waveguides , attached to the center , right , and left regions of the j-rib waveg-uide The input of the j-rib waveguide is excited by three modes , e.g., EH11 EH12 , and EH13 The waveguide is designed so as to separate the modes and guide them to the center , right , and left regions , respectively The separated modes are then fanned-out to the output ports A theoretical analysis of the proposed demultiplexer is developed based on extensions of the large single-mode rib conditions In addition , both MODE and 3D-FDTD simulations of the demultiplexer are performed to validate the proposed concept Our results reveal that the device has the lowest footprint and highest bandwidth in literature with low insertion losses and crosstalks Secondly , a novel design of transverse electric (TE) pass polarizer based on Si-core photonic crystal fiber (SC-PCF) is proposed and analyzed using full vectorial finite element method The suggested PCF has a SiO , cladding background and is selectively filled with gold nanorods Further , an ellipti- cal Si-core is used to increase the birefringence between the two polarizing modes Therefore , the surface plasmon modes around the gold nanorods are highly coupled with the quasi-Transverse Magnetic (TM) core modes while no coupling occurs with the quasi-TE core mode Consequently , high and low confinement losses are achieved for the quasi TM and quasi TE core modes , respectively Hence , a TE- pass polarizer is achieved with an insertion loss of -0.000 108 dB