Detection of Bacterial Pathogen(s) in Freshwater Fish using Microbiological and Single Chain Fragment Antigen-Binding Region Techniques : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Basic and Applied Science : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology /
Saleh , Abdelatty Mohamed Abdelatty ,
Detection of Bacterial Pathogen(s) in Freshwater Fish using Microbiological and Single Chain Fragment Antigen-Binding Region Techniques : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Basic and Applied Science : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology / الكشف عن أمراض بكتيرية في أسماك المياه العذبة باستخدام تقنيات الميكروبيولوجيا و الأجسام المضادة وحيدة السلسلة : رسالة علمية مقدمة إلى المدرسة التخصصية للدرسات العليا العلوم الأساسية و التطبيقية : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في البيوتكنولوجي / إعداد عبدالعاطي محمد عبدالعاطی صالح ; لجنة الإشراف على الرسالة أ . د أحمد لطفي عبدالموجود , أ . د محمد عبدالهادي غازی , أ . د علاء الدين عبد المعطي محمد عیسی , أ . م . د ساره اسامه سعد السيد ; لجنة المناقشة و الحكم على الرسالة أ . د أحمد لطفي عبدالموجود , أ . د محمد عبدالهادي غازی , ا . د مجدى خليل سلیمان , ا . د الخطيب يسرى جعفر
by Abdelatty Mohamed Abdelatty Saleh ; Supervisor Committee Prof. Ahmed Lotfy Abdel-Mawgood - Biotechnology Program, Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt- Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Mohamed Abd El-Hady Ghazy - Biotechnology Program, Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt- Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Alaa Eldin Abdel Mouty Mohamed Eissa - Department of Aquatic Animal Medicine and Management - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Cairo University , Associate Prof. Sarah Osama Saad El-Sayed - Oceanography Department - Faculty of Science - Alexandria University ; Examination Committee Prof. Ahmed Lotfy Abdel- Mawgood - Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Mohamed Abd El-Hady Ghazy - Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Magdy Khalil Soliman - Faculty of Veterinary Meditie - Damanhour University , Prof. Alkhateib Yousry Gaafar - Veterinary Research Institute - National Research Centre
- Alexandria : Abdelatty Mohamed Abdelatty Saleh 2025 - 109 leaves : table ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Fish are a valuable food source due to their high nutritional value, palatability, and digestibility However, diseases exacerbated by intensive fish farming pose significan challenges High-density farming and pe margement often lead to chronic stres immension, and water commination, promoting bacterial outbreaks Key pathogens, such as Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus agalactie, thrive in these environments, causing substantial losses in fish populations and potential threats to hum health Traditional methods of detecting bacterial pathogens, like culture-based techniques, are time- consuming and inadequate for identifying non-cultivable bacteria. Advanced techniques, such as 16S rRNA gene sequencing and immunoassays, erable more accurate identification and monitoring of pathogens The aquatic environment represents a potential source for transmitting A. hydrophila, which increase the mass mortalities in fish farms. This work aimed to determine the prevalence of A hydrophila in Ö. niloticus farms. Random samples, including water, sediment, and fish, were collected A total of 45 A. hydrophila isolates were presumptively identified using morph-chemical conventional tests A total of 42 A. Apdrophila isolates proved to be lipase producers Staphylococcus epidermidis has been identified as a causative agent of mass mortality in farmed O.milovics in Kafrelsheikh Governorate The collected diseased fish exhibited sever lesions in the hepatopancreas and eyes Isolates showed Gram-positive cocci characteristics and went unikt, congelamengutive, and murtutumdyä, un sirup likod ngan Tundu identification via 16S rRNA sequencing confirmed them as S. epidermidis. The four isolates in this study have similarities to other S. epidermidis isolates as follows : ASI strain of S epidermidis has a nucleotide sequence of 99.63%, similar to the reference isolate ; S. epidermidis sirain B7.Found in Shidal, India, A52 strain is 99.77% identical to the reference strain, LGC 305, which was isolated from the gut of a freshwater Indian loch ; while AS3 and AS4 strains are 99.86% and 99.99% identical to the reference strain found in Chinese fermented fish, respectively All eight isolates were subjected to an antibiogram test, and they were resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and amoxicillin however, they were slightly susceptible to tetracycline and were sensitive to gentamicin and vancomycin
EPE PhD. 2025 / 01
Detection of Bacterial Pathogen(s) in Freshwater Fish using Microbiological and Single Chain Fragment Antigen-Binding Region Techniques : A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Basic and Applied Science : Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) : In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology / الكشف عن أمراض بكتيرية في أسماك المياه العذبة باستخدام تقنيات الميكروبيولوجيا و الأجسام المضادة وحيدة السلسلة : رسالة علمية مقدمة إلى المدرسة التخصصية للدرسات العليا العلوم الأساسية و التطبيقية : الجامعة المصرية اليابانية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في البيوتكنولوجي / إعداد عبدالعاطي محمد عبدالعاطی صالح ; لجنة الإشراف على الرسالة أ . د أحمد لطفي عبدالموجود , أ . د محمد عبدالهادي غازی , أ . د علاء الدين عبد المعطي محمد عیسی , أ . م . د ساره اسامه سعد السيد ; لجنة المناقشة و الحكم على الرسالة أ . د أحمد لطفي عبدالموجود , أ . د محمد عبدالهادي غازی , ا . د مجدى خليل سلیمان , ا . د الخطيب يسرى جعفر
by Abdelatty Mohamed Abdelatty Saleh ; Supervisor Committee Prof. Ahmed Lotfy Abdel-Mawgood - Biotechnology Program, Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt- Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Mohamed Abd El-Hady Ghazy - Biotechnology Program, Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt- Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Alaa Eldin Abdel Mouty Mohamed Eissa - Department of Aquatic Animal Medicine and Management - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Cairo University , Associate Prof. Sarah Osama Saad El-Sayed - Oceanography Department - Faculty of Science - Alexandria University ; Examination Committee Prof. Ahmed Lotfy Abdel- Mawgood - Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Mohamed Abd El-Hady Ghazy - Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology , Prof. Magdy Khalil Soliman - Faculty of Veterinary Meditie - Damanhour University , Prof. Alkhateib Yousry Gaafar - Veterinary Research Institute - National Research Centre
- Alexandria : Abdelatty Mohamed Abdelatty Saleh 2025 - 109 leaves : table ; 30 cm
Includes a title page in Arabic
Thesis (Ph.D.)
Fish are a valuable food source due to their high nutritional value, palatability, and digestibility However, diseases exacerbated by intensive fish farming pose significan challenges High-density farming and pe margement often lead to chronic stres immension, and water commination, promoting bacterial outbreaks Key pathogens, such as Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus agalactie, thrive in these environments, causing substantial losses in fish populations and potential threats to hum health Traditional methods of detecting bacterial pathogens, like culture-based techniques, are time- consuming and inadequate for identifying non-cultivable bacteria. Advanced techniques, such as 16S rRNA gene sequencing and immunoassays, erable more accurate identification and monitoring of pathogens The aquatic environment represents a potential source for transmitting A. hydrophila, which increase the mass mortalities in fish farms. This work aimed to determine the prevalence of A hydrophila in Ö. niloticus farms. Random samples, including water, sediment, and fish, were collected A total of 45 A. hydrophila isolates were presumptively identified using morph-chemical conventional tests A total of 42 A. Apdrophila isolates proved to be lipase producers Staphylococcus epidermidis has been identified as a causative agent of mass mortality in farmed O.milovics in Kafrelsheikh Governorate The collected diseased fish exhibited sever lesions in the hepatopancreas and eyes Isolates showed Gram-positive cocci characteristics and went unikt, congelamengutive, and murtutumdyä, un sirup likod ngan Tundu identification via 16S rRNA sequencing confirmed them as S. epidermidis. The four isolates in this study have similarities to other S. epidermidis isolates as follows : ASI strain of S epidermidis has a nucleotide sequence of 99.63%, similar to the reference isolate ; S. epidermidis sirain B7.Found in Shidal, India, A52 strain is 99.77% identical to the reference strain, LGC 305, which was isolated from the gut of a freshwater Indian loch ; while AS3 and AS4 strains are 99.86% and 99.99% identical to the reference strain found in Chinese fermented fish, respectively All eight isolates were subjected to an antibiogram test, and they were resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and amoxicillin however, they were slightly susceptible to tetracycline and were sensitive to gentamicin and vancomycin
EPE PhD. 2025 / 01